Intercity Transit Maintenance and Operations Facilities
Operating well over capacity, Intercity Transit’s Pattison Base’s maintenance, operations, and administration (MOA) facilities was challenged to support efficient operations or customer service. What began as an evaluation of renovation options for the existing administrative and maintenance buildings quickly evolved into a plan to completely overhaul site operations, including the construction of a new 41,715 SF visitor center/administration building and a new 25,634 SF fuel and wash facility, in conjunction with the renovations and seismic upgrades to their existing 39,500 SF maintenance facility. The new facilities provide the necessary logistical and maintenance support required to increase service and achieve Intercity Transit’s long-term goals.
The new Administration and Operations Building is a three-story, steel-framed, composite metal deck structure with a buckling-restrained braced-frame lateral system. Constructed from insulated concrete forms and site-cast concrete, the Fuel/Wash Building houses expanded maintenance facilities, bus-washes, and a bike shop.
Renovating for the future
As part of Phase 4 for Pattison Base Renovation and Rehabilitation, Lund Opsahl is working on the renovation of the maintenance building to accommodate hydrogen fueling. Work includes trenching, utility upgrades, exhaust system modifications, and reconfiguring interior bays.