At Lund Opsahl, we believe in the value of one’s time away from the office, as it is during this time that we recharge, find clarity, and prepare for the next challenge. Here, we highlight our team’s adventures and hobbies, no matter how the size.

Creating the “The Gigantore”

Melissa and her husband have been taking pottery classes this year. She recently made a big pot, which she lovingly dubbed “The Gigantore”. She is pretty psyched about it. According to Melissa, what it lacks in symmetry it makes up for in mass. See above for pictures of its evolution.

Visiting Thailand and Singapore

Garrett and his wife spent a few weeks traveling to Thailand and Singapore. In total, they visited five cities, including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui and Koh Tao, and Singapore, of which ALL were very hot and humid.

The trip was full of unique experiences, but some of his favorites were enjoying the local street food, a day with the elephants, and relaxing on the beaches of Koh Tao. He also loved exploring all the temples on a moped scooter.

Equestrian Adventures

Emily has been having an equestrian adventure this summer. They rode in a clinic with their hero Joe Fargis, an Olympic champion showjumper. Out at the racetrack, they have been paddocking horses.

Mountain High

Vincent has been trying to hit the mountains at least once per week (in preparation for another St. Helens hike). Silver Peak and Mount Pilchuck have been recent highlights. From time to time, he’ll pick up a pen or a paintbrush for an art session with his friend. They will choose a theme and then go to town. Their latest theme: “sky”.