Last month, two of our team members, Cindy Liauw and Julie Kerlin, had the privilege of touring the StructureCraft facility in Abbotsford, BC with project partners from Hoffman Construction Company and Hoffman Structures, Inc (HSI). The visit was inspired by our work on the Newhouse Building Replacement project, which uses mass timber fabricated by StructureCraft.
Our friends at StructureCraft provided a presentation with an introduction to dowel laminated timber (DLT), showcased other projects they’ve completed with DLT, and explained the entire DLT manufacturing process. The team noted that it was nice to connect with StructureCraft to get their insights on how their past projects solved some of the challenges of working with DLT. They also learned that StructureCraft is working on creating more publications in the future to assist designers with their non-standard DLT profiles.

On the tour, our team got a look behind StructureCraft’s manufacturing process and internal QC process, and they were able to check in on the DLT panels that are in fabrication for the Newhouse Building Replacement project! It was so cool to see them up close, and of course, they turned out great. They also observed project partner, HSI complete their QA/QC inspection. The experience gave our team a great picture of how it all comes together.

Newhouse Building Replacement
The Newhouse Replacement will provide offices and collaboration spaces for house members of the senate and their staff.
The facility utilizes DLT panels for a hybrid structural floor system, all supplied by StructureCraft. The result will be a warm interior that complements the architectural vision– providing an inviting space in which Senators and staff are able to strengthen relationships through better integration of shared spaces.
Currently on site, they are working on erecting Level 2 steel. The DLT panels should be delivered soon, and they will start installing the DLT panels on Level 2 this week!

Many thanks to the StructureCraft team, not only for the warm welcome and great opportunity to learn, but for their exceptional partnership throughout the Newhouse Building Replacement project.